A Summary of a Presentation by EliYAH.com - 2014
“We are ready to begin our study portion for today’s broadcast and looking forward to sharing some concerns I have about the Messianic Movement. If you have never heard of the Messianic Movement, I would be very surprised, but the Messianic Movement is very much growing.
To some extent, I would consider myself sort of a Messianic in a sense that I believe in Messiah and I share some of the same understandings found in the Messianic Movement. But there are some certain elements that are very common in the Messianic Movement that I would have to take issue with.
We want to go over some of these today because I do know that there are a lot of similarities between what I teach and what is found in the movement called “Messianic Judaism,” and yet, there are some very, very stark differences.”
Scripture says:
1 Corinthians 8:2 – And if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know.
8: 3 – But if anyone loves Elohim, this one is known by Him.
- ERROR #1: The Mikveh. To me, this is the big one.
- ERROR #2: The “Renewed” Covenant.
- ERROR #3: Head Coverings for Men.
- ERROR #4 on the list here: Paul / Sha’ul, a Second Class Apostle.
- ERROR #5: Blind Love of Jewish Tradition.
- ERROR #6: Messianic “Rabbis.”
Yahushua had a few comments to say about this. In Matthew 23,verse 5, He said:
Matthew 23:5 – But all their works they do to be seen by men. They make their phylacteries broad and enlarge the borders of their garments.
23: 6 – They love the best places at feasts, the best seats in the synagogues,
23:7 – greetings in the marketplaces, and to be called by men, `Rabbi, Rabbi.’
Matthew 23:8 – But you, do not be called `Rabbi’; for One is your Teacher, the Messiah,and you are all brethren.
- ERROR #7: The Hebraic Mindset = Listen to the “Rabbis” or the “Sages.”
- ERROR #8: Let’s “Peddle the Word of Yahweh.”
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